2017. April 27., 19:00
Till Ottó-terem

Banda Ádám – hegedű

Prunyi Ilona – zongora

Dohnányi: Hegedű-zongora szonáta op. 21

Dohnányi: Hat zongoradarab op. 41.

Impromptu, Scherzino, Canzonetta, Cascades, Ländler, Cloches


Bartók: Szabad változatok

Mese a kis légyről, Induló, Csörgőtánc

Kodály: Székely nóta op. 7

Kodály: Székely keserves op. 7

Kodály: Kállai kettős

Dohnányi: Ruralia Hungarica op. 32c - 3 részlet

Dohnányi, Bartók, Kodály - became famous in the order of their birth, with Kodály lagging behind considerably. He became well-known, though perhaps not famous, at the age of just 28, in 1910 ̶ while the two older "rulers" shined during their years at the Academy of Music (...) Dohnányi, Bartók, Kodály  ̶ in their order of importance at the beginning of the century;. Bartók, Kodály, Dohnányi – the order at the end of the millennium. (...)  ̶ says music historian János Breuer in an article.

Cecília Szőke

Tickets: 1800 Ft, Student tickets: 900 Ft

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